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Meet Pete, Kari, Sydney and Sam Hazen.
This is a story of how an engineer and a teacher fell in love with Barbera wine. After moving from Wisconsin, the state of cheese, they found the perfect pairing with wine in Auburn, CA. Living in the foothills across from Mount Vernon Winery ... many nights were spent drinking barbera wine and listening to live music on hot summer nights.
Their two daughters, Sydney and Sam grew up on the three acres of country paradise. Then, the day came when it was time to leave that house.
Something said it was time for a simpler life in the suburbs of Roseville. It didn't take long until the longing for the country took hold again.
Rancho Roble Vineyards officially became a part of the Hazen family in November, 2017.
Music, picnics, sitting by the pond with the dogs and watching the sunset is now one of their favorite activities. Meeting new customers and talking with them about the Estate Vineyards and tasting wine is also a part of every weekend.
"Life can't get much better!" at this time at Rancho Roble Vineyards. They would love for you to come visit, so they can share their hidden gem with you!
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